About Us
Our Mission is to reach the world at home and beyond with the message of Jesus Christ.
​ Our Vision is to see people, through the power of Christ, saved, healed, delivered, discipled, equipped, empowered, matured, and serving.
Core Values
Biblical Foundation -The Bible is the infallible Word of God.
Presence - In reverence and awe, we honor God's presence.
Honor - Honor is the basis for all healthy relationships.
Acceptance - We believe all people are valuable.
Worship - There is freedom at World Harvest Center to release passion and adoration in worship.
Personal Commitment & Responsibility - We believe leadership begins with a personal choice to step into obedience to your calling and gifting.
Our Pastors

Les Cumiford Worship Pastor
Kim Cumiford Women's Ministries

Christie DeWees Lead Pastor
Clint DeWees Co-Pastor & Property Manager

Evette Medina Children's Pastor