Contact the WHC Office for more information regarding the listed events.
Wednesday Evening Service: FOREVER FREE started in late January on Wednesday evenings.
Here's the best part: you can jump in anytime. Miss a week? No problem. Each session stands
on its own, so you'll still get incredible value whenever you join us.
Get your free study guide at foreverfree.org, or buy a printed copy for $15. Join us every
Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 pm, and discover what freedom means.
Saturday, March 1: Healing Rooms from 5-7 PM in the Sanctuary. Please see John or Nelda
Miller for more information.
Sunday, March 2: Communion Sunday
Sunday, March 9: Daylight Savings begins. Set your clock forward.
Sunday, March 9: Single Saints will meet after service for the series “Love of God.”
Please RSVP to Pat by March 4th so there will be copies of the course for everyone. Bring
your lunch. Single Saints will begin at 1 PM. Contact the church office for more information.
DWELL COFFE & CONNECT: Ladies, join us Saturday, March 15 at 9 AM, 302 Main at
Artifacts. Coffee and pastries are available for purchase.
RISE UP Ministry: Adults 18-40 meet one Saturday each month. See Kitrina or Josh for more
Sunday, March 23: Better Together—Build a Marriage that Lasts: Couples will discover
biblical principles and practical tools for creating a strong, Christ-centered relationship that
grows even deeper over time. The class will be for four Sunday evenings from 6 to 7:30 PM.
For more information, call: 505-327-0941.
Monday, March 31: Dwell Ladies Night: 6:00-7:30 PM | Childcare provided
Monday, March 31: Lion’s Heart Men, 6-7:30 PM.
Mondays, March 10 & 24: Men's Shotgun Devotional, 7 AM in the Conference Center.
March 5-April 13: 40 Days for Life: You're invited to join other Christians for 40 days of prayer
and fasting for an end to abortion. If you'd like more volunteer information, please get in touch
with Deb Smith at 505-320-9329 or 40daysfarmington@gmail.com.
April: Easter preparations are underway! The Passion Choir invites you to join us for
April’s rehearsals.
Sunday, April 20: EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE - 10:00 AM.
CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST: 9 AM at the Harvest Conference Center.